Tuesday, October 10, 2006

New Finch Discovered (Alive)

The previously unknown species, the Yariguies brush finch, Atlapetes latinuchus yariguierum,
has striking black, yellow and red plumage. (Blanca Huertas - AP)

"9th October, 2006, Lauren Drake, AP, BOGOTA, Colombia --

A colorful new bird has been discovered in a previously unexplored Andean cloud forest, spurring efforts to protect the area, conservation groups said Monday (...)

The bright yellow and red-crowned Yariguies brush-finch was named for the indigenous tribe that once inhabited the mountainous area where it was discovered and which committed mass suicide instead of submitting to Spanish colonial rule.(...)

(...) this was one of the first time researchers were able to confirm a new bird without having to kill it."


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